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Pedagogical Community and New Ways
of Communication


Marta Ornelas

Arte Central, Lisboa, Portugal

Set of Art Education Practices in Portuguese Schools during the Lockdown

We opened a call to teachers for sharing what they were doing with their students during the lockdown, in visual arts education. We compiled some experiences that we shared publicly, with the World Aliance for Arts Education and with Unesco. Many other teachers felt this sharing as something really important. We want to share this experience and, eventually, to find partners to join this project, that should be continued.

Arte Central is a Portuguese company that acts to connect art with people, providing art education to everyone possible. We’ve been acting in Portugal and this specific project responds to the necessity of sharing the work of Portuguese school teachers and their students, from pre-school to high school, making their activities visible. In Portugal, school routines have changed very sudden since March 16, 2020, the day that schools closed for being places of close relationship, very populated and, therefore, conducive to contagion. From night to day, teachers and students saw an altered form of relationship, mediated by technological tools (computers, tablets, smartphones, communication platforms and data management). This challenge was approached in very different ways and also conducted to unequal access to education, which schools tried to blur, but not always, because they were not endowed with the resources – human and material – that would allow it. The change was tragically sudden, and did not compromise solutions to the equity that was demanded. The effort to adapt to this new reality was severe, both on the part of teachers and students, and only in the future will we be able to better understand the impact and consequences of the measures and strategies that have been implemented.

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Choon Ying Tan

Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore

Challenges of Teaching Art History Online  

This paper will examine the challenges faced of adapting the teaching of Art History from the physical classroom to the online classroom, using the Community of Inquiry model as a framework reference. In particular, the affordances of a fully text-based platform versus an audio-video-chat platform will be discussed. Obstacles encountered by students and their preferred modes of communication will also be discussed.

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Lefteris Heretakis

Alicante, IE University, Madrid, Spain

Design Education Talks Podcast. From Practice to Education

The voice of the practitioner’s will give us a more complete picture about the way we need to reshape Art and design education now and in the future.

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Heidi Powell

University of Florida, USA

Social Reconstructions: Animating Memory in Arts and Medicine with Stop Motion & Narrative Theory

As we seek new ways of communicating how we are situated in arts contexts, memory plays a key role in how we think and act upon new knowledge and our relationship with it. This research investigates how Stop Motion, combined with Narrative Theory in arts and medical education curriculums brings the pause of reflection, and greater retention when reconstructing memories of what is taught and learned in arts and medicine. As we continuously socially reconstruct knowledge through memory and seek to communicate perspective bringing new ways of knowing, using stop motion as voice, helps us retell what resonates and is understood in arts and medicine as these areas combine into a new visibly emerging field.


Oluwagbemiga Isaac Oladimeji

Tai Solarin College of Education, Omu Ijebu, Ogun State, Nigeria

Art Education in the Time of Coronavirus the Good in the Evil: Reflecting on Today, Anticipating Tomorrow        

The fear of coronavirus, the beginning of wisdom. However, the reality of its havoc recked on humanity brought an impromptu change to the world order. The weakness humanity was exposed and virtually, all things were negatively affected by the virus with a purview of humanity at the receiving end. Hence, abnormal now turned to be normal. In view of the happening, art education was not speared but played incredible role in awesome awareness in the protection of humanity, artists notwithstanding manage to survive. This paper, understudied coronavirus in terms of its evil and good, itemized various world order up-turned by pandemic and as well overviewed diverse efforts made by humanity in suppressing it effects, in order to forestalls the extinction of mankind and thinking outside of the box for the sustainability the existence, that had been taken care of by art education. Art education an agent of change and its power of creativity is too big to be caged or lockdown or confided, as the pandemic did to economy, socializing, and joint worship in the church and mosque. Art education has been using its tools on how to deal with the virus, educate people and exposing the virus through cartoon and animation, painting, sculpture and graphic illustration on poster. In conclusion, coronavirus break virgin ground for new and great opportunities through art education despites its consequences on humanity in terms of isolation, anguish and mass exterminations. In summary, measures against the spread of coronavirus have really changed our lives almost overnight. Notwithstanding, there is still good in evil as the art education is the search light.

Little time remains, coronavirus will become history

This is summary of what has been happening for the past four months globally, when there was lockdown and everything has turned abnormal and the whole world under fang of death. And peoples are walking under the shadow of the death. Some are unfortunate while some who are victims of coronavirus narrowly escape from the claws of death.

Global Situation can be divided a long number of confirmed cases and number of confirmed death cases as follow:

  • 37,109,851 confirmed cases

  • 1,070,355 deaths

Breakdown of COVID 19 cases with reference to 6 continents of the world:

  1. Americas 17,794,771confirmed

  2. South-East Asia 7,911,036 confirmed

  3. Europe 6,918,265 confirmed

  4. Eastern Mediterranean 2,605,478 confirmed

  5. Africa 1,227,719 confirmed

  6. Western Pacific 651,841 confirmed

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