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Despite the Quarantine  


Innovative Pedagogical Approaches


Hana Stadlerová, Pavla Novotná & Jitka Novotná

Katedra výtvarné výchovy, Pedagogická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, Czech Republic


Home alone – Creative Results of Quarantining        

The paper presents current creative outputs of students of the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University in Brno – future kindergarten teachers, that were created during the lockdown due to the coronavirus epidemic. The initially contact taught practical art seminars of the spring semester turned into a systematic individual work on a personal project, whose aim was to be strongly connected with the personalities, interests and hobbies of the students. Consultations, inspiration, mutual interactions and the presentation of the process of creation and the resulting works all have moved to virtual space. Despite the feelings of insecurity and fear, the sudden and unexpected situation allowed many to slow down and avoid distractions, stay at home, immerse themselves more, and begin to fully create.

At the Department of Art of the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University (PdF MU) in Brno, the students comprise from not only educators of Art subjects from high schools, elementary schools and other art institutions, but also future kindergarten school teachers. In the curriculum of the undergraduate program Preschool and Extracurricular Pedagogy of the Preschool Education major you can find, among others, disciplines aimed at the development of productive, receptive and theoretically-artistic levels of subject competence. Art disciplines attempt to equip the students of the given field with necessary knowledge and skills that will subsequently lead to qualified project planning and leading of art activities of the children in such a way to comply with the current goals of preschool education.

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VSA(S) Logo.png

Ranae Lee-Nasir

Very Special Arts, Singapore

Home-Base Visual Arts Lessons piloted by the ALERT PROGRAMME, Very Special Arts Singapore

This paper shares how the visual arts department reached out to learners through activity sheets, video recording and online learning. The Arts in Learning, Rehabilitation and Training (ALERT), offered home-based art lessons for its learners and tried two asynchronous models and one synchronous model; these were rolled out one at a time between the months of April to July (2020) during the circuit-breaker period in Singapore.

Very Special Arts Singapore [VSA(S)] is the leading non-profit charity organisation dedicated to providing opportunities for persons with disabilities (PWDs) to be involved in the arts sphere. VSA(S) works to create and provide access and opportunities for PWDs through the arts. It promotes visual, performing and literary arts through various programmes and events for PWDs. VSA(S) has also established pathways for them to progress and excel in their fields and pursue a career in the arts. It created Singapore’s first inclusive theatre and first inclusive literary art programme, and was founded and launched by Ambassador-at-Large Prof Tommy Koh.

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Petra Pětiletá

Art Education department, Pedagogical Faculty, Charles University,
Czech Republic


A Picture of Corona Time 

I will share my teaching methods during the “Lockdown” with my students. General disadvantage of online teaching is that it can be hard to lead a lesson through the screen, because of the fact that the impact of the teacher in person is not there. But on the other hand, for some students in case of Art education it was good that they are alone during the work. When there is no one with whom to compare, and who may be judging. We let students choose their personal timeslot. Tasks were specific, prepared as a video presentation from us. In some cases We used COVID situation as a topic, but also in the tasks where COVID was not directly mentioned, it appeared in some way very often in their artworks. We can see the picture of a student's personal perception and the way of their need for psychical balance. If there will be “Lockdown 2”.  Will the picture be the same? (When something is taking too long.)


David Bartoš

Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic


Multimedial project in Art Educatin or the Participation of Students and Teacher

Josep Beyus, german performer and on of the most interesting artists of 20th century, was also teacher of art. His concept of art education was build on an idea that art is for everyone and that the best way to be educated in art lies in practical doing art. His seminars were based on participation and open dialogues and sometimes were even presented as an act of action art – happenings (Information Act, Tate modern, 1972). In my contribution to this conference I want to present a multimedial group performance created by me and my students from Department of Art Education of Palacký University. The performance should demonstrates the attributes of art education (primarily in conceptual and action art) by creating new art pieces or repeating the old ones. Also it shows positive and negative sides of participatory education. This work is a part of research called The multimedial project method in art education supported by IGA.

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