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Problems and Challenges of Teacher Training


Theoretical Reflections


Why Future Generalist Teachers Dont´ Like Art Education?

Art is an irreplaceable creative and expressive activity for young pupils, a means of cognition and abreaction, and its significance is also enshrined in the curriculum for primary education. Distant teaching in primary schools brought about by covid-19 has confirmed that art education is not a subject to which teachers, school founders or parents would attach high importance. The long-standing problem of underestimating art education in the junior primary school is made visible by the fact that teachers have not used or have not been encouraged to use the educational, creative, mentally hygienic or therapeutic potential of the subject. However, it also points to the attitude of primary school teachers to art education. Qualitative research conducted among final year teacher-training students completed in January 2020, a month before school closure, has showed that future teachers have a contradictory attitude towards art education, often shaped by their own negative learning experiences, as well as by the lack of confidence in their own knowledge and skills. Equipped as such, teachers are virtually unable to offer good-quality teaching in a standard teaching mode, let alone in the mode of distance learning. On the other hand, these findings suggest the direction in which to take the training of future teachers in primary education so that their own experience and low self-efficacy do not adversely affect their future teaching practice.

Kateřina Štěpánková

Department of Art and Textile, Faculty of Education, University
of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic


Art education is not one of the so-called ‘main subjects’, but it is one of the disciplines that present a different kind of cognitive challenge to children, especially in the primary education. In art education, it is primarily the ability to provide space in which children could be subjective, expressive and creative in their own way. In the words of practice, art education is considered a leisure-time subject without high demands on the transmitted educational content. School managements, teachers, children and parents identify with this. As research shows, in terms of its importance art education is almost at the bottom of an imaginary list of all educational subjects regardless of national borders (Eisner, 1989; Garvis, Twig, Pendergast, 2011; Lemon, Garvis, 2013; Rabkin, Hedberg, 2011; Russel- Bowie, 2012; Welch, 1995). The decoration of schools and the presentation of art products are sufficient evidence to the quality of art education at a given school (Řepa, 2019; Štěpánková, 2019). While art education has no ambition to compete with the lessons of the mother tongue or mathematics, the core subjects of the entrance exams for secondary schools and grammar schools, it is necessary to think about the position of art education and the quality of art lessons.

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Inés López-Manrique

Universidad de Oviedo, Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación, Oviedo, Asturias, España


Visual Journal in Coronavirus Time

To create a visual journal is a usual proposal in Art Education. In this case, the project was made at Oviedo University (Spain) for future teachers of Primary Education (2019–2020 academic year). The briefing was: to get a visual journal as an exercise book, straegies carried out in the classroom or created for the subject (paste exercise,photos,etc). This visual contribution is divided into three sections. First, the instructions given to the students. Second, first results, with mastery of traditional techniques and topics related to the subject. Finally, results in coronavirus time: Covid-19 was observed like a new moment; more stereotypes; family becomes a character in visual diary; photography becomes an important tool; new topics apper. In conclusion, increased number of crafts and stereotyped themes, but at the same time we get a channel for the expression of ideas and emotions.

The visual diary, interviews and self-evaluations, as well as the portfolio are recording and evaluation instruments for education. Sometimes they convey information beyond the merely academic. This occurs especially with the visual diary, with which it is possible to record ideas, feelings and experiences through images created in traditional techiques and photographs too (Cruickshank & Mason, 2003; García-Doval, 2005 Jurado, 2011). In Art Education subjects, it is very common to propose the creation of a visual diary because its great pedagogical value. This task has been proposed to students of the Degree of Primary Education of the Faculty of Education (teaching training programs) for this purpose. During the 2019-2020 school year, the results have been different before and after the pandemic generated by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

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Lucie Jakubcová Hajdušková

Univerzita Karlova, Prague, Czech Republic


No Miracle. Augmented Reality in Gallery Education.

We would like to present brief case study from future teacher education environment. This text describes development of educational materials for gallery education in one group of students of Art Education at the Charles University, Faculty of Education (Prague, Czech Republic). The students were asked to design worksheet with augmented reality (AR). The aim was to use AR as educational tool – for example as solution verification. Lectures were interrupted with the Covid pandemic and closure of faculty but continued in distance learning mode.

New material of Education Policy of the Czech Republic until 2030+ will be published soon, the existing strategy is from 2014. Since 2005 Czech schools became independent from central curriculum and each school could create its own school educational program. Schools and educators gain space for their creativity, for their conception of education, they get competencies and responsibility. Education in the Czech Republic varied and expanded - next to alternative kids’ groups, home education, private schools with alternative educational programs we can find progressive public schools testing different educational models and public schools of traditional cut too. Parents, nongovernment, civic organizations and initiatives, extracurricular and cultural organizations actively entered and enriched our education.

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This contribution is a part of the research project HORIZON2020,870621/AMASS - Acting on the Margin - Arts as a Social Sculpture.


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