Virtual Walks
Details on how to participate will be announced after the opening ceremony of the conference!
Dance film & performance
The End of Bliss
by Jolana Šturmová
Saturday 14th March 2020
I am in me
I am in a house
I miss my mouth
I cannot see mouths
I am alone
I am not outside
I look at the same tree from the window everyday
Only clouds run differently each day
Sometimes fast, sometimes not at all
Tuesday 17th March –safe distance–
I want to change everything
I want to breathe
I want to be
I run from my chaos inside me
They’ve been cumulating more intensively lately
I want to breathe
Sunday/Monday March – spring in the flat – I feel funky
Long time at a fast pace
today and again
fear and ire
Friday 27th March midnight
A green tent
I walk past the centre of a lethal illness
I feel better
I want to breathe
I take down the mask inconspicuously
I breathe
Midnight air
Friday 3rd April 13.05 I ran away
I finished reading Ways of Writing about Love Jan Němec
Train, fear…
I want to be
I search for me
I am probably truly alone now
I am scared
A new place
I love
I don’t want
We keep wanting more
We can’t stop
It’s impossible
We want more, longing bliss, longing consuming
April a week/two weeks it’s been going on for quite long !WE!
A young person in this situation is not optimistic
I am scared
I am scared of my following life
Are we addicted to the society?
A drug – consumption
Society withdrawal symptoms
We need another nutritious dose of bliss
We want to transfer to the sweet state of comfort
No movement
Movement in me
I don’t want to foresee
Friday 17th April I feel weird outside I want to go back
Connection to nature but with symptoms of consumer society. Won’t todays human start to look horribly odd in nature? Where does human become natural in these times?
Nature disturbed by an odd human. Totally new image in terms of human, who is clothed in gloves and face masks.
Will life in disinfection be a common thing for my kids?
I am outside not feeling great. Clothed, covered in fear, without contact. We escape to forests.
It flows,
It passes
Time passes
My youth passes
I’m captured in human stupidity
I can’t.
Monday-Friday 27th March-1st May I don’t go anywhere – window
There’re curtains in the window
coverage – mouth – watcher
This window is wooden
It is hard to open
But it faces West
Sunset every day
Wednesday 6/5/2020 I still don’t go out I am scared
Intensive perception of time. it flows quickly. At the same time, it is covered in a weird fog of curtain. Window. I watch. I am not.
The bliss again. I desire bliss. I am a part of the consumer society. Our drug is consumption.
It’s all a vicious circle. Everything happens for me, even though I disagree, I want and need it.
inside X outside
change X unforgivable consumption
fear X hope
alone X in a crowd
individual sees X blind society
Humbleness came unnaturally
Ecology/coronavirus the outcome of ecologic mistakes Future Ecological precautions at the expense of human freedom
fear that I won’t be able to handle too many people around
I fear I won’t manage to come back to normal life
But was it even normal before?
The End of Bliss?
The End of Bliss
cameraman assistant
Conservatory Duncan Centre
Prague 2020
Jolana Šturmová
Performer, dancer, choreographer and member of the dance company Soc.Kult.
The End of Blaho | The End of Bliss
In May 2020, she successfully graduated from the Duncan Center Dance Conservatory.
During my quarantine, I worked on a short dance film at the Duncan Center Conservatory, which focused mainly on issues such as the future, global and environmental issues, alienation, loss of identity, closing myself out of the world, finding myself and finding a solution to the current quarantine and pandemic. The film takes the form of a diary that reveals my personal experiences from the quarantine period.