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Multimedia Are Art

Online exhibition of
Vladimír Havlík, Pavla Baštanová, Michal Čepelka, Robin Michenka & David Bartoš

Multimedia Are Art

Online exhibition of Vladimír Havlík, Pavla Baštanová, Michal Čepelka, Robin Michenka & David Bartoš

Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic


12. 10. – 30. 10. 2020, Basements website.


Interesting fact
Our students from the Basement cultural platform (based on Palacký University Olomouc) were already preparing an exhibition that would contribute to the cultural program of our conference.

And then...

... in the previous weeks there were new restrictions in the Czech Republic due to Covid-19 and a declaration of a state of emergency again ...
... cultural life has been paralyzed ...
... most of members of platform Basement got Covid-19 and had been ill
... then they overcame the disease and regained their strength ...
... in quarantine they prepared this online exhibition and a rich list of activities...

Thanks for being part of the conference!


Basement presents group exhibition of five Czech artists and teachers of art in the same time. They are all individually creative persons who are used to work with multimedial platforms in their art work as well as in their educational process.

Vladimír Havlík is head of Intermedia studio at Department of Art Education at Palacký University in Olomouc. He is one of the most interesting performers specially from 70’s and 80’s. After Velvet Revolution he established with Radek Horáček and Igor Zhoř new study subject in art education focused on action art such as performance and happenings. He had many exhibitions not only in Czech Republic. 

Pavla Baštanová is well know primarily as an animator. She has animated films, education clips and other types of animated videos. She is illustrator of books (specially for children) as well. Recently she published her own book which is called Mukumú.

Michal Čepelka is a graphic designer and conceptual artist. In his work we can find reflection of his home area called Broumovsko. It is interesting northern part of Czech Republic with special Baroque atmosphere. He is usually working with local (and global) social themes, often using humor. 

Robin Michenka is a graphic designer, 3D animator and video maker. He is one of the young generation of Czech designers. He is teacher at secondary art school as well. 

David Bartoš is a video maker, artist and curator. He is focused on reflection of global social, political and environmental issues usually through is own social circles. He is founder of a few galleries projects such as Galerie Cyril in Prostějov or Basement in Olomouc. He teaches at secondary art school where he tries implement multimedia project method of art education. 

In this online exhibition you can see chosen works from recent years which can be address as a multimedia.

© 2024—2020 by Czech Section of INSEA

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