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Jana Jiroutová & Petra Šobáňová

Main Organisers, Czech Section of INSEA, Palacký University Olomouc,
Czech Republic


Opening speech
by the event organisers

Dear guests and friends in art and art education, welcome to our conference web site! 


We look forward to meeting you and addressing you all in our welcome speech! We are grateful for your support and your many contributions that make this event possible! We are honoured to present to you guests from around the globe!

Dear guests,

part of our grand opening will also be an experimental cultural program including theatre, dance, and music. See more...

Join live discussions hosted by Presidents of InSEA and USSEA!


Libuše Ludíková

Welcome speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, Professor of Special Education, Czech Republic


Gina Renotière 

Opening speech by the Deputy Director of the Olomouc Museum of Art, Head of the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art – Central European Forum Olomouc, curator, President of Czech National Committee of ICOM, Czech Republic.


Tomáš Chorý

Welcome speech by the Head of the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic)


Jan Slavík

Opening paper by a Professor of Art Education at the Department of Art Education and Art Culture, Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic)


Glen Coutts

Opening speech by the President of InSEA, Professor of Applied Visual Arts Education and a Docent at the University of Lapland (UK & Finland)

Glen Coutts, the president of InSEA, will host a live discussion room on Monday 12 October, 2020 from 15:00 EST (14:00 GMT). You are all welcome to join the meeting!

Title of the Discussion Room: Drop in Question and Answer session with InSEA President Glen Coutts and InSEA Secretary Patsey Bodkin


Ryan Shin

Welcome speech by the President of USSEA, professor, University of Arizona School of Art (USA)

Live discussion room hosted by by USSEA Board of Directors. 
In this session, art education scholars from the United States Society for Education through Art will share their unique and shared challenges resulting from teaching and researching practices in the era of COVID-19.

The USSEA will host a discussion room that will take place on Thursday 15 October, 2020 between 1:00–3:00 PM Eastern Time. You are all welcome to join the meeting!


Peter Gregory

Welcome speech by the Co-Chair of the European Regional Council of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA); Principal Lecturer in Education (Creative Arts), Canterbury Christ Church University, UK

Kulturní program

Dear guests,

part of our grand opening will also be an experimental cultural program including theatre, dance, and music. We look forward to this experiment!

DJ Ana Miltz

Ana Miltz will play from the forest. Field recordings, cassettes, LPs and more. Nature, folklore, synthetic sounds and diversity. Existence and nothing.

Theatre group Geisslers Hofcomoedianten

Theatre group Geisslers Hofcomoedianten present... the first release of the performance recording exclusively for INSEA conference participants!

Isabella Andreini | Geisslers | In the Blueberry Bushes
A woodsy, erotic pantomime | Opus Andreini No. 3

Love moves mountains, but passion makes of people... what? Those who don’t want to flash with passion, should not go to the forest! A titilating comedy full of forest fruits and desirous animals. Based on the play by the famous actress and writer Isabella Andreini La Mirtilla (1588), the first preserved pastoral by the female author's pen. The third part of the dramaturgical cycle Opus Andreini. Photo by Tomas Glasberger

Jolana Šturmová

Performer, dancer, choreographer and member of the dance company Soc.Kult.


The End of Blaho | The End of Bliss

In May 2020, she successfully graduated from the Duncan Center Dance Conservatory.


During my quarantine, I worked on a short dance film at the Duncan Center Conservatory, which focused mainly on issues such as the future, global and environmental issues, alienation, loss of identity, closing myself out of the world, finding myself and finding a solution to the current quarantine and pandemic. The film takes the form of a diary that reveals my personal experiences from the quarantine period.

Our students overcome Covid-19 and there are here with this online exhibition! Thanks for being part of the conference!

Basement | Multimedia Are Art

Online exhibition of Vladimír Havlík, Pavla Baštanová, Michal Čepelka, Robin Michenka & David Bartoš

Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

© 2024—2020 by Czech Section of INSEA

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